Research Statement

As a member of the Negro Ensemble Company working under the guidance of Douglas Turner Ward, I witnessed first hand the creative process from the first reading of a new play to it’s culmination into a fully realized production. I saw the importance of these stories, voices, and productions and how they impacted the diverse audience. They made the audience think, feel, and engage in healthy and enlightening conversations. The main theme of my research, scholarship, and creative activity is the expression, celebration and broadening the understanding of the African American experience. I also want to dispel the stereotypes and misinformation that has permeated the American culture for centuries.

The African American experience is an integral part of the American story, the American culture, and this knowledge of self, the “American self”, can positively impact future generations, as we strive for a more harmonious existence. I am very interested in presenting and understanding the full spectrum of the African American experience. Using the medium of theatre as well as the classroom, the resulting examinations and knowledge will serve as a springboard for discussions, creative exploration, and material to devise meaningful theatre.

I know these discussions and the resulting creative process will help to foster understanding, highlighting the commonality among all people, no matter what race, religious faction, gender, sexual orientation, or economic class. I believe that because many of the experiences of African Americans were expressed through the lenses of those who colonized, oppressed, or exploited them; the history has presented an incomplete and often distorted representation of their lives. As a result, the struggles of people of color and subsequently the enormity of their triumphs have been unknown. African Americans have made great contributions to the betterment of this country and the world at large. If we as human beings can respect and appreciate that which makes us unique, while acknowledging the common thread of our humanity, we can achieve a more harmonious existence between people of the earth..

The creative process begins with extensive research into the lives of many unknown heroes and sheroes of the African American experience. Collecting data, often time actual quotes, this information can be used in the construction of a theatrical piece. Utilizing improvisational situations containing the factual given circumstances of these people and working with actors, creative musicians, poets, and designers, a cohesive and concise piece can be achieved.

As a teaching artist of the New York University’s Creative Art’s Team, I saw how the created productions of Rosa Parks and Joe Louis positively affected the students who participated in seeing the productions and the workshops that followed. I have personally seen the light bulb go on and the sense of pride and self esteem blossom with young people of color, and the excitement of new knowledge that changes the perspective of young people of all kinds. Seeing the enthusiasm from these young people at learning this new information, continues to give me hope for the future of humanity.

Brian Evaret Chandler